this is some extra drawings related to petiva's den. usually, you'll find doodles and drafts of comics here.
- 08/23/2021 - mei as a cheerleader
- 08/25/2021 - star but even cooler
- 08/25/2021 - ditto, but in high quality and transparent
- 08/25/2021 - mei (in her old casual outfit)
- 8/26/2021 - mei but better
- 10/10/2021 - possibly the first ever known drawing of petiva (with green skin)
- 10/18/2021 - one of the first digital drawings of petiva
- 10/22/2021 - an early design for joulia
- 10/29/2021 - a really early design for fae (before she got a complete overhaul)
- 10/30/2021 - the first comic ever made digitally, used to test the formatting of the website
- 11/07/2021 - an early design for mizu
- 11/10/2021 - ball (used for testing gifs)
- 11/12/2021 - same as the october 22 joulia drawing, but her top looks more like her final design
- 11/12/2021 - an early design for carlo
- 11/12/2021 - an early design for ann
- 11/18/2021 - emo petiva
- 11/20/2021 - cta
- 11/23/2021 - random petiva drawing
- 11/25/2021 - petiva twins
- 11/25/2021 - petiva with a hoodie
- 11/29/2021 - star's early design for petiva's den
- 12/05/2021 - ocean star-c1
- 12/10/2021 - petiva's bio (kinda outdated)
- 12/15/2021 - waver in a maroon shirt
- 12/29/2021 - an early version of the comic "winter is here"
- 01/07/2022 - sativa reviews a cheerleader outfit she finds
- 01/09/2022 - joulia's bio (kinda outdated)
- 01/09/2022 - one of the panels from sativa's outfit review, but drawn digitally
- 02/07/2022 - star in overalls (i drew over star's picture for her bio which will not be coming out in the near future)
- 02/08/2022 - this is just mei btw i didn't get far with her bio before they were cancelled.
- 02/22/2022 - happy tuesday
- 03/09/2022 - petiva and joulia are morticians now yay
- 03/20/2022 - star's bio (unfinished)
- 03/26/2022 - carlo's bio (unfinished and not to mention, kinda outdated)
- 04/09/2022 - petiva, joulia, and star in a band (also a poster)
- 04/22/2022 - joulia pant
- 04/23/2022 - murasaki (witch that might appear in petiva's den)
- 05/09/2022 - mei but she's shining glitter cookie
- 05/21/2022 - nerdy emo spider (also might appear in petiva's den)
- 05/22/2022 - petiva's outfit before it was torn up into what it is today
- 03/15/2023 - redesigns :P
- 2/12-14/2022 - featuring petiva and only petiva because fuck you
- 2/17/2022-3/13/2022 - with 3 early versions of star-c1 panels, carlo next to a television, and petiva miku
- 3/13-14/2022 - petiva in da parade yay, and also star is now a demon. the flower in the cozy coupe is peaty btw
- 3/16-25/2022 - hopefully you like joulia, because i drew her a lot in this one
- 3/25-5/4/2022 - more petiva outfits, emo petiva is back, and there is skirt too
basically extra drawings, but they are all grouped up into a single picture.